Vivitar 6 enlarger accessories : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I am trying to locate the following accessories for my Vivitar 6 enlarger: a 6x7 conversion kit (comprising neg carrier and condenser) and a 6x6 neg carrier.

These parts are impossible to locate in Australia, but if anyone knows of a supplier that will take mail order (or if anyone has spares they're willing to sell) I'd love to hear from you.

Regards Miles

-- Miles Standish (, January 28, 1999


Hi down under, if you're still interested in some Viv VI enlarger parts. I bought one new more than 10 years ago. Then they were discontinued by the manufacturer who continued to sell remaining parts for some time, but no longer. The 6 X 7 condenser set and negative carrier were not available during the sell off period, I tried. I also advertised in Shutterbug a couple of times for these parts -- never any response. You'll be very lucky to find these parts. Then, my enlarger was stolen from storage about 6 years ago and I no longer have it. But, the good news for you, I still have a 6 X 6 negative carrier and a 35mm negative carrier. I also have at least one, I think 2 lens boards, and the original book of information that Vivitar shipped with the enlarger. Let me know if you still need the negative carrier and/or any of the other parts and book which is now of absolutely no use to me.

Best, Todd in Tarzana, California.

-- Todd Foster (, December 29, 1999.

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