Electicity near dam?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Need some good logical answers to this: we live about 30 miles down from a dam that produces our power, so my husband does not think we'll be without power for every long (more than 3-5 days). (We're out in the sticks, but there is a city of 10,000 between the dam and our place.)I'd appreciate any info on this.
-- Marie (still@inthe.dark), January 27, 1999
The problem with electric generation isgeneration but distribution. (Okay that a tad to general but tdistribution is the big kahuna for the electric utilities.) If the substation between you and the dam is blown apart by surges from the grid OR the embedded system(s) in the local distribution area go wacky, you might well be in the dark for a very long time. Short of having a direct line from a hydro generator TO your home you have zero guarantees.
-- RD. ->H (drherr@erols.com), January 27, 1999.
Marie,Electricity is a major concern, but not the only one. Is your area's water processing and purification system compliant? The telephones? Natural gas suppliers?
Rural areas tend to be behind urban areas in dealing with Y2K-related utility issues.
-- Kevin (mixesmusic@worldnet.att.net), January 27, 1999.
Thanks, Kevin & RDYes, the distribution is likely a key factor. "Our" dam supplies a good part of the NW with electricity, so perhaps they will focus on fixing it early? (I've got my fingers crossed, but no illusions).
Our electric company is saying "NO worries, we're not very computerized" (Uh, right!). They could be saying a lot of other, more comforting things, rather than blowing it off.
Water is less of a problem for us, as we have our own well and a running creek on our property (oh, and did I mention the river?).
-- Marie (now@inthe.light), January 27, 1999.
As long as the river isn't over your property, you'll be in better sahpe than many.Watch out from polution from the "city" upstream of you though if their sewage system controllers fail.
-- Robert A. Cook, PE (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), January 29, 1999.