Have you seen this wicked site?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
You should check out this site...deals with how y2k will collapse the economy... http://www.angelfire.com/or/truthfinder
-- Dan Fisher (dfisher@angelfire.com), January 26, 1999
If it happens, it happens. I am tired of worrying about it.
-- Du (Dunot@wanna.com), January 26, 1999.
A good site. Like a non-religious Gary North with built-in links.I've never seen this quote, from their site, it sounds very telling:
"We've gotten classified reports [on the Federal government and Y2K] that are so disturbing they had to be classified." - Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)
-- a (a@a.a), January 26, 1999.