!! Missing Altera board #14 !!greenspun.com : LUSENET : ece342 : One Thread |
After Wednesday evening's lab, we found Altera kit #14 was missing the Altera board. If anyone knows what might have happened to the board, please let me know.Robin
-- Robin Grindley (grindley@eecg.toronto.edu), January 22, 1999
Hey Robin, may be it got stolen? Have you ever thougth about it?
-- Tasnuva Hoque (tasnuva.hoque@utoronto.ca), February 02, 1999.
Yes, I can both spell and consider multiple possibilities (even simultaneously).If you, Mr. Hoque (rhymes with 'toque' I assume), have any more information please feel free to divulge.
-- Robin Grindley (grindley@eecg.toronto.edu), February 03, 1999.