Discoloration of EC-B on the Nikon F5

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

Under what conditions will discoloration of the EC-B occur on the Nikon F5? I have only read about the problem. I just bought a grey Nikon F5 and have tested out the metering, batteries etc.. All 5 rolls were exposed well and all other functions worked perfectly. However, I am wondering how serious this discoloration of the EC-B screen could get? Does changing a new EC-B screen solve the problem? Is it worth paying $100 more for the US model so that this problem could be fixed if it happens? Thank you for your help.

-- Andrew Hsiai (ah@nylaic.com), January 18, 1999


The "conditions" are simple--it happens over time. The more you use it, the faster it happens. It's more a nuisance than a real problem. Nikon will replace the screens under warranty. A new EC-B screen is fairly expensive if you decide to replace it without warranty.

Only the EC-B screen is affected, so if you're like me and use an E screen, it's not a problem.

-- Danny Weber (danny_weber@compuserve.com), January 19, 1999.

Danny, your reponse has helped greatly. I am now deciding to buy the US model instead because EC-B screens cost $93.50 and US model in only $100 more. However, there is one thing I do no understand. Does the discoloration of EC-B occur due to both passage of time and usage? For example, if a F5 was left in shelf of a store for 3 years with no usage, will discoloration still happen?

Why do you use the E screen? It it just because you do not want discoloration or are there some benefits of using the E screen?


-- Andrew Hsiai (ah@nylaic.com), January 19, 1999.

I have one EC-B that has never been used--after a year it does not show the discoloration. I thinks it's an electro-chemical reaction that causes the change.

I use an E screen because like the grid. Using it loses both the on- screen focus indication and the movable spot meter function, but I find the grid to be of more practical advantage, and it's easy enough to switch back (although I never do).

-- Danny Weber (danny_weber@compuserve.com), January 19, 1999.

Thank you Danny for all your help!:)

-- Andrew Hsiai (ah@nylaic.com), January 20, 1999.

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