Why Is max so strange?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Ask William : One Thread

I have a friend, his name is hmmm...let us say Maxamoondo at this time. Well, Maxamoondo is quite a strange man. He works at this place called Cytell and lives in the basement/garage of a duplex...I am wondering if his strange behavior has anything to do with his place of work or living, or because the man is just weird...Any input on this subject would make me feel better knowing the cause of such problems...

-- Lordoshing Floomkin (maxwell@dar.com), January 18, 1999


Max lives in the garage because it's his maxy-pad. Quite funk, hip hop shaboop. etc.

gn. dar.

-- William (spqrspqr@hotmail.com), January 25, 1999.

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