What do you think....?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
The BPS's site says they are taking great pains to make sure we don't lose power up here in the Pacific Northwest. Here's the URL for their report: http://www.bpa.gov/Corporate/GI/Y2K/y2k-program-plan.html. Read it and...?
-- Karen Cook (browsercat@yerf.net), January 15, 1999
Karen, Please check the URL. I received an error message.
-- Bill S. (Bill_S3@juno.com), January 15, 1999.
Don't forget to leave off the period after the .html at the end of the URL.http://www.bpa.gov/Corporate/GI/Y2K/y2k-program-plan.html
-- Karen Cook (browsercat@yerf.net), January 16, 1999.