Manipulating : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
What are some techniques you could use to manipulate photos in the darkroom? thanks.
-- caitlin (, January 14, 1999
Dear Caitlin. Many pages can be (and are) written on the subject. There are plenty of different things you can do in the darkroom from choosing a paper to toning and mounting your prints. Look around for a good darkroom technique book (sorry but I stopped buyng tech books 10 years ago, so can't give you a specific autor and tittle) and above all experiment. I think photography is a creative process at all stages and if you have the time and the patience, I'm sure something good will come out. However if you have some specific questions, send me an e-mail. Good luck. Evgeni
-- Evgeni Poptoshev (, January 15, 1999.
Post another message and say what you want to try. Like the other gentleman says, there are all kinds of things you can do. Are you interested in toning, warm vs cold tone developers and papers, hand coloring, alternative/historic processes -- it goes on and on.
-- Tony Brent (, February 09, 1999.
Get 'The Photographers Master Printing Course' by Tim Rudman. Great book that offers lots of information and ideas on different techniques. I've learned alot from it and so will you!
-- Regina Hugo (, February 16, 1999.