Honeymoon Wye

greenspun.com : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Does anyone know how Honeymoon Wye in Jacksonville FL got it's name? Just curious.

-- jim coviello (jcovi60516@aol.com), January 12, 1999


It's just the name of that area of old Jacksonville.

-- Riley Kinney (csx333@yaoo.com), April 06, 2001.

Honeymoon was the name of the area platted out there, in the City of LaVilla. I imagine it was recorded in Plat Book 1 of Dual County. (I've never seen Plat Book One, although I understand copies exist- the original was burned in the fire of May 3, 1901.) It lay directly west of Burch's Brickyard, which is roughly where the Jacksonville Transportation Authority's bus yard and Acorn Industries are now. When Flagler was buying property for the new Terminal, the lots in Honeymoon were bought up for yard and servicing facilities- which is exactly what they became. I have an 1885 map of the area with the streets and lots shown, but already the Florida Central & Western, the SF&W and JT&KW have cut through the area. The area where the tracks came together was known as LaVill

-- Larry Brennan (lpbrennan@aol.com), April 05, 2001.

This is just a guess, but if you look at a track plan around Beaver Street tower, the area defined by the old SAL North-South Connector (freight main - now gone) and the sharply curved connection between the ACL and the SAL is roughly in the shape of a crescent, or "honey" moon.

Incidently, the Florida DOT is replacing the Beaver Street viaduct, and CSX is making some track changes in the area which may result in the demolition of Beaver Street Tower sometinme later this year.

-- Gary Bechdol (gbechdol@rwhitehead.com), January 18, 1999.

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