Boston Area Utilities announce that they will miss y2k : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
BLACKOUT? still more fun in the year -1, Arlin
-- Arlin H. Adams (, January 11, 1999
argh! the html link didn't work, oh well, here's the url: ____01_10_.shtml
-- Arlin H. Adams (, January 11, 1999.
The URL doesn't work either! Says page can't be found. Any other suggestions?
-- Libby Alexander (, January 11, 1999.
Hi Debbie,scroll down to Mike Lang's "missed deadlines" thread - he posted the whole article...sorry I missed that thread earlier when I started this thread.
-- Arlin H. Adams (, January 11, 1999.
For what it's worth, here's the link:The link listed in c.s.y2k had a small typo in it...
-- Mac (, January 11, 1999.
So they miss a mid-99 deadline by two weeks? (june compliance, now mid-july)Doesn't seem to me to be worth gnashing jaws and pulling your hair out. after all, the 1-1-00 deadline is the one that counts in this case.
-- Declan McCullagh (, January 11, 1999.
Sure, Declan...but half a year isn't a big margin for error, and if they already know they can't make that deadline...take it from a geek, they don't know when they're going to be done.
-- Shimrod (, January 11, 1999.