Power: (Iowa) Des Moines Register articlegreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
On Y2K & power in Iowa (and in general): From The Des Moines Register:
-- Arnie Rimmer (arnie_rimmer@usa.net), January 08, 1999
Did you notice that MidAmerican Energy will be spending $15M and Alliant will be spending $75M even though the two companies are comparable in size and service territory?????
-- Just Me (the original) (none@nomail.com), January 08, 1999.
"As if uncertainty about power availability and computer problems weren"t enough, US West expects New Year's Eve 1999 to be an extremely busy calling period - perhaps to the point of jamming the network - as friends and relatives make millions of calls to pass along their regards as the 1900s become the 2000s."We're projecting that New Year's Eve 2000 will be the highest calling event in history," White said. "People may assume that (when they can't get a dial tone) it's a Year 2000 problem."
I don't get that. Everytime I've called in extremely busy times in the past, I still got a dial tone when I couldn't get through due to overflowing networks. Can the dial tone really go out with extreme network activity?
-- Chris (catsy@pond.com), January 08, 1999.
Thanks for posting the article from the Register. I'm very interested in Des Moine's power. I go there every year to this wonderful book sale sponsored by Planned Parenthood.
-- gilda jessie (jess@listbot.com), January 08, 1999.