Grand Tetons??? : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

My roommate and I are very interested in getting into Mountaineering. We are looking at the Grand Tetons and would like to know if this is a good place to start. if not is there a beter place in the USA. thanks for your help. -Rob

-- Robert Heecker (, January 08, 1999


Would certainly be an inspiring place to start. Exum Mtn Guides, and I think Jackson Hole Mtn guides, have 3 day courses to drag total beginners to the summit of the Grand. I am sure they have more comprehensive courses if you are in it for the long haul. It may be a bit inefficient to get basic instruction in WY (expensive hotels, etc. for class time and basic instruction not requiring mountains). You might be better off getting basic rock instruction at your local crag, then taking a shorter "transition to snow and mountains" type course during your vacation--that would leave more time for actually doing routes during your trip. The Tetons are a great little range-- lots of great routes for all levels of ability in a compact area, plus a fun place to just hang out.

-- Jonathan Fisher (, January 12, 1999.

Rob, The Tetons are great, and you probably will not go wrong if you choose to start there. However it depends on what kind of mountaineering you want to get into. In the Tetons, you will probably be guided up the Owens-Spalding or the Exum on the Grand. These are great alpine rock climbs, but you really will not get a lot (if any) experience on glaciers. If you are looking into climbing big mountains in the future, I recommend starting out in the North Cascades of Washington state. In my opinion, that it where the best mountaineering is in the lower 48. The range is remote, rugged and heavily glaciated - everything an aspiring mountaineer needs to break himself in. However, if you are intersted in doing technical alpine routes - go to the Tetons, the rock is much better there.

-- todd miller (, March 28, 1999.

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