Hey man, what's happening?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Heeelp. For months I've been getting away with playing the Muzzy's on my girlfriend's Pentium whilst she's been at work. Now, after installing Mamenu yesterday, the virtual Dos window has gone all weird and cacky and cheap and nasty looking. Uh Oh! She ain't gonna like that!

Can anyone suggest a possible cause/remedy that might save me from a kicking, or am I destined to be brushing my teeth through my arse for the rest of my days?

-- Fritz (da398@soton.ac.uk), January 08, 1999


Panic over

No sweat folks, a friendly computer-oriented student came along and saved me from being force-fed my own genitals. Phew.

-- Fritz (da398@soton.ac.uk), January 08, 1999.

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