PG&E Shutting : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Have a friend who works for PG&E and he told me today that they are planning to shut down offices where people go in to pay their bill. They are trying to find ways to cut costs, and they are doing what PacBell did. Either send your bill via post office, or pay it at pay stations located in liquor stores, etc.
-- Anon (, January 06, 1999
Does that mean my PG&E bill will go down? In a way it makes sense for them to close offices. Hundreds of jobs will be lost, but that's progress and technology at work.
-- bardou (, January 06, 1999.
Humm. Wonder if it means they are placing the residential market base, revenue stream and payment capability in the hands of "small business ownners."Isn't the small business sector the least Y2K compliant?
Oy vey.
-- Diane J. Squire (, January 06, 1999.
That's a good question Diane. I know a couple of PG&E pay stations near us have old computers that they they run the accounts receivables on. I haven't asked the clerks any information on them, but I will the next time I'm in their store. I know one of PG&E's biggest concerns will be billing. I can live without getting a bill, but not electricity...but I am prepared if I have to.
-- bardou (, January 06, 1999.