Brown toner problems : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Hi, Great site! I have been having some trouble with Kodak brown toner on Agfa Muolticontrast Paper. I want to do a slight toning to warm up the paper a little, but I keep getting a slight yellowing of the paper base. I have tried mixing the toner with distilled water, I have tried mixing developer, stop , and fix with distilled water, and I have tried a 10% sodium sulfite stop bath for the toner, but I still keep getting a yellow paper base.Any comments, or possible solutions, or perhaps another resource where I may be able to get some help. Thank You in advance. Art Nichols

-- Arthur Nichols (, January 02, 1999


Hi Arthur. What is your washing sequence? It's very important for a good toning that your prints are properly washed after fixing. If you use FB papers, you will need about 30 min at running water. You can also use the archival sequence avaliable from Ilford.

-- Evgeni Poptoshev (, January 11, 1999.

Hi Evgeni, Thanks for your answer. I use two rapid fixer baths for about 3 minutes each, then a water rinse of approx 5 mins, then I wash in a Zone VI washer for at least an hour, then I do the toning prodceure. I think that the wash water is leaving some impurities in the emulsion, as I am sure that my fixing and washing sequence are more than adequate. Art Nihcols

-- Arthur Nichols (ARTNICHOLS@SYDA.ORG), January 13, 1999.

Hi again. I don't know where are you from Arthur, but what is the quality of the tab water in your town i.e. pH, salt content. If the water is too "hard" why don't you try to give a final wash in destilled water?

-- Evgeni Poptoshev (, January 15, 1999.

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