Kodak Polytoner

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm looking for information on Kodak Polytoner. I seem to recall it is a mixture of Kodak's selenium and brown toner? Is this true? I would also like to hear from anyone who has used it. I've been using Forte Polywarmtone, Ilford Warm tone, and Kodak Ektalure papers.

-- Thomas L. Schumacher (tlschuma@oro-tech.net), January 02, 1999


I am also looking for info Kodak polytoner. So far I've had no luck and I don't see any answers here either. Would Kodak have the answer?

-- (mlent@nexellinc.com), February 08, 1999.

Thomas, If you're still getting auto notification, I've been experimenting with polytoner on MGFBW and Ektalure (now that they're discontinuing it (rats). The Ilford warm tone seems too sensitive to any toner I use on it. It turns purple or some garish pinkish orange. The Ektalure at 100 to 1 (polytoner) gives a beautiful chocolate sort of brown (milk chocolate mid tones, bittersweet shadows, "cafe' au lait" highlights). I'm going to try LPD variable contrast developer in the next few days and if I can get grade 1 and 2 tonal range from it, I'll fill up my freezer.

What have you achieved?... t

-- tom meyer (twm@mindspring.com), January 25, 2000.

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