Rainwater Harvesting Infogreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Here is a source for information on setting up a rainwater harvesting system. (I dont know how to make it a hot link) http://www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/rainwater.html I understand some states (Calif.,for one) have a TAX credit for installing a rainwater harvesting system
-- Ann Fisher (zyax55b@prodigy.com), January 02, 1999
Thanks Ann. Learning how to hot link was one of my New Years resolutions. Tee hee. -- Diane (Thanks, Leska!)
http:/ /www.greenbuilder.com/sourcebook/rainwater.html
-- Diane J. Squire (sacredspaces@yahoo.com), January 02, 1999.
I've been looking intermittently for a web site like that one, and I thank you for pointing it out to me.
-- Bill (billclo@hotmail.com), January 03, 1999.