Slave Flash for CoolPix900 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need a couple of slave flash units for my CoolPix900 which doesn't have the electronic coupler (I don't remember what they are called.) So I need the kind that respond to the camera flash. I've heard of an SR Inc. DSF-1 but cannot locate them on the web. Any suggestions? Thanks.

-- Bob Benson (, December 31, 1998


You can find them at:

I don't recall whether the CP 900 uses a pre-flash for metering and white balance or not. If it doesn't, any old standard slave-flash trigger will work. The units from SR Electronics have the added capability of being able to "count" the strobe flashes, and trigger on either the first or second. Check their site for details...

-- Dave Etchells (, January 04, 1999.

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