Rick Cowles says "not enough time" for mini utilities...greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
An earlier post mentioned a discussion between Jim Lord and Rick Cowles on the possibility of segregating the utilities into mini-utilities, to run independent from the grid as a solution to the problem. Here is his response:"The bottom line - I don't think it's practical at this late date, and even as far back as the time that Jim and I discussed it, I didn't think it was practical simply from a standpoint of time to implement. That doesn't mean Jim's idea wouldn't work, because it would - if we had another 3 years to work out the logistics."
This came from the horses mouth via email today.
-- Goldi (goldilucks@yahoo.com), December 30, 1998
So, what exactly do we have time for?
-- Critt Jarvis (critt@critt.com), December 31, 1998.
Preparing our family.....that is if it doesn't happen tomorrow like some suggest.
-- Moore Dinty moore (not@thistime.com), December 31, 1998.