goodby and good luck : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

i have been programming for the last 20 years. on y2k since jan 98. got burned out on programming and the people i had to work with at my last job. so i quit. don't know what i am going to do long term. looks like i will lose my house, maybe my truck.

short term plans include camping, fishing, and hunting for at least a year, that will take me to jan 2000.

brother-in-law has offered part time work at his ranch. might do that, there are lots of quiet and wide open spaces.

am not in bad shape for y2k. have been buying food with my parents. they live 14 miles outside of a town(pop. 25k). there is an older hydro plant 10 miles from their house. have seeds, will plant a garden this summer. have a canvas wall tent with a wood stove if power does go out. still need to work out short term water supply(currently have capacity to store approx 50 gallons. we are prepping for 6 month problem.

have to cut costs, internet is one of them. wanted to say goodby, have read posts from many people i would like to have as friends.

there used to be a lot more research and preparation questions than misc bs. please continue trying to determine the scope and impact. that is the only way to know what to prepare for.

will be around till current billing cycle expires. good luck and see you on the other side.

-- areseejay (, December 28, 1998


At $100/hour for good y2k programers, can't you find a short term consulting job? There will be plenty of time for fishing 12 months from now. Check in every once and awhile, we'll be here till the phones and power go out.

-- Bill (, December 28, 1998.

already threw all my books, manuals, and flowchart templates away. dictionary almost went because it had something about computers in it.

if/when i start working again, i will most certainly look for this forum.

-- areseejay (, December 28, 1998.

*bad* case of burnout
just after Ed writes his essay re programmer bored exhaustion

-- Leska (, December 28, 1998.

Burnout is fierce, even for those of us not on the programming frontlines....breaks are critcal for maintenance of sanity...arseejay...hang in like Henry David Thoreau, sojourn in the wilderness, and come back to tell us what you have learned. Fare well.

-- Donna Barthuley (, December 28, 1998.


My thoughts are with you. Been there and done that. Time came when I realised there was a point where my obligation to myself meant more than my obligations to others. Keep the core of your values intact, they are correct for you.

Knowing when to fold'em is just as important as winning.

Good Luck, BobB

-- Bob Barbour (, December 28, 1998.

Programmer burnout is a big problem - has been for many years. And that is why so many are leaving the field - I would say more so than for Year 2000 reasons.

They like to get them young and pay $30 or so an hour for a 40 hour week - but then work you for 90 hours! Kind of kills your interest in programming after a while - not to mention interest in most everything else. And the pay is really pretty bad if you go by the hour - no plumber would work for that.

-- Paul Davis (, December 29, 1998.

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