SAL Slogan Box Cars : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

What Slogans appeared on SAL 40' PS-1 Box Cars with 8'doors, in the ealy 50's. Did any of the cars carry the Silver Meteor Slogan. What # series ?



-- Bob Perrin (, December 26, 1998


To the best of my knowledge, none of these cars carried the "Silver Meteor" paint scheme. They did carry "Route of the Silver Star" and "Route of the Silver Comet." As they were repainted in the 1960s, they were adorned in the current scheme, which was a 24" Railroad Roman billboard "Seaboard" road name. Another version of this scheme was done in 24" block lettering (circa 1963). Some cars in beer or paper pulp service were painted in a silver or grey scheme with red lettering. The "Silver Meteor" scheme lasted until about 1950 or so, until it was replaced by the "Route of Courteous Service." For color pictures of these cars in various paint schemes, see my book, "SAL Color Guide to Freight and Passenger Equipment." The same book contains a table showing which cars had which slogans.

-- Paul Faulk (, May 07, 1999.

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