adorama spot : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Has anyone had any experience with a Adorama spot meter, the two hundred dollar version?
-- david clark (, December 11, 1998
The Adorama spot meter is essentially a Soligor meter. I have used the digital model for many years and found it to be more than adequate for what I needed. It is not fancy and does not have all the bells and whistles other meters have. What it does is simply give you an EV reading in the viewfinder (which my new Sekonic does not do) which you convert to a dial on the lens. That's it. It's up to you to determine placement of values and the proper combination of f/stop and shutter speed. Some consider this too time consuming....I like it. An excellent value IMHO. I also bought a belt case for it and a zone system tape-on dial...which could easily be made.
-- John Wiemer (, December 12, 1998.