N60 and Rebel G users please respondgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread |
I am strictly an amateur photographer. I'd like to purchase either the Nikon N60 or Cannon Rebel G. This is really just to have fun with an SLR camera. I'd like some input from owners of these cameras. The good the bad and the ugly...so to speak. Thanks much..Todd
-- Todd (ttstoner@prodigy.net), December 10, 1998
Thanks to all who responded. We have decided to purchase the Elan II system...Todd
-- Todd (ttstoner@prodigy.net), December 14, 1998.
I know that u already bought something but I love the rebel g. THANK YOU VERY MUCH HAVE A NICE DAY!
-- Pat (bigman30685@aol.com), February 07, 2002.
uo sucks
-- Drew Kurtzman (skrillaz@aol.com), May 27, 2002.