"Check 2000" BIOS fix?greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
An outfit called Greenwich Mean Time UTA is selling what they claim is a BIOS fix for the Y2K problem in PC's. Web page is here: Check 2000Does anyone have any experience with, or knowledge of this?
-- Tom Carey (tomcarey@mindspring.com), November 29, 1998
There are a bunch of them out there. Haven't used that particular one - not yet anyway.
-- Paul Davis (davisp1953@yahoo.com), November 30, 1998.
Tom,Here is a pretty good page for bios info, and free downloads. I have personally downloaded and used software from this year2000 site. Hope this helps out.
-- Bob Walton (waltonb@kdsi.net), November 30, 1998.
try the intelliquis fix. theirs is better, but don't take my word for it. you can get a free download of BOTH their hardware and software fixes at their website,http://www.intelliquis.com.
keep in mind that the free versions aren't as extensive as the ones you buy.
-- Jocelyne Slough (jonslough@tln.net), December 01, 1998.