Anything like Flashpath for Compactflash? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just purchased a Fuji Flashpath adapter in error, not realizing it was only for smartmedia. I have the Nikon Coolpix which takes compactflash cards. I do have the PC card adapter, but I don't have a PC card slot in my desktop! I was hoping for something like the Flashpath to insert into the floppy drive. Is there any product like that available for compactflash?

-- John Ponder (, November 24, 1998


nope, your options in order of speed are PCMCIA adaptor SCSI (like the minolta CD-10) USB parallel port serial port

-- Benoit (, November 24, 1998.

There is this and it's faster than the Flashpath, I believe.

-- SC (, November 25, 1998.

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