Brownies for 12 year olds : LUSENET : Brownie Cameras : One Thread

In 1930, Kodak offered all 12 year olds a free camera. At the retirement community in which I live, we have a half a dozen residents who recall the event and one who still has her camera. The question raised was: What was the event commemorating if anything? Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. With thanks, Raymond Ayoub A bit of arithmetic tells us that these friends are now 80 years old

-- Raymond Ayoub (, November 22, 1998


Eastman Anniversary

Hi Raymond,

You've brought up the subject of one of my favorite Kodak cameras, even though it's not a Brownie! The camera you speak of is an "Eastman Anniversary" camera which was indeed given away to 12 year olds throughout Canada and the US in 1930 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Kodak. It was introduced in May 1930 and 557,000 where made. They where all given away within three days! The film for that camera is still being made and used for many different cameras being produced today.

Just for your interest I have just put up a few pictures using that very camera to make a panorama of Rochester, NY, among other shots. If you go back to The Brownie Camera Page and go into the Gallery of the Brownie Shooters, under my name, Chuck Baker, the top 2 images are taken with that very camera. I have 2 of them that I use regularly for specific subjects.

I hope this answers your question.

Take Care,

Chuck Baker The Brownie Camera Page

-- Chuck (, November 24, 1998.

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