Will insurance companies shut down Nuclear plants?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Going through Rick Cowels open forum, I found the following post and answer. In researching Y2K, I learn something new everyday about how our country is run. I was not aware that insurance companies are involved with Nuclear power plants.

I would certainly appreciate any and all comments.

Best regards,

Anna ******************************************************************* Does anybody know how nuclear plants are insured in the US and what are the details, year by year etc.? I had heard that they are insured by Lloyd's of London. If so, could all nukes be shut down going into the rollover due to the fact that no one will insure the power plants?

Asked by bill goumas (billgoumas@earthlink.net) on October 25, 1998. ****************************************************************** Do a web search on the terms "price anderson act" (in quotations). This search will lead you to more than you ever wanted to know about nuclear industry insurance issues. I don't think Lloyd's insures any domestic US nuclear plants, but I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. That is mostly the domain of NML, Nuclear Mutual Limited, and ANI, American Nuclear Insurers.

Answered by Rick Cowles (rcowles@waterw.com) on October 26, 1998.

-- Anna McKay Ginn (annaginn@aol.com), November 05, 1998


This "xxxxx will shut down because it can't get insurance" line is a nonsense.

If xxxxx is needed, either insurance will be provided by the government, or the government will abolish the legal requirement for insurance, or the government will take it over completely. (The last two are probably already part of state-of-emergency legislations).

Of course, the real worry is whether xxxxx will actually work come Y2K. Do USA folks know what King Canute is (im)famous for?

-- Nigel Arnot (nra@maxwell.ph.kcl.ac.uk), November 06, 1998.


-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (cook.r@csaatl.com), November 06, 1998.


Y2K will wet our feet, too.

-- Bob Wood (not@some-usa-home.com), November 06, 1998.

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