A Story That Saves Kids...Interested?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco Art : One Thread

Hello...please help me broadcast a story that saves children. I wrote and illustrated a story called "The Ogre and The Angel" and put it online as a free storybook, complete in text and illustration. It may be reproduced or linked to without my permission. I hope you will help. As you can imagine, when you can only get it to a relative handful of the children it could help, it's very frustrating to have something that really works against child abuse. It's at- http://members.tripod.com/~helpthekids

Read it to the children you know.

Micheal Hardgrove 1820 Seran Bowlegs, OK 74884 tiwinke@renet.com http://members.tripod.com/~helpthekids

-- Micheal William Hardgrove (tiwinke@renet.com), November 01, 1998

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