Operative Terminus Message

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

has anyone pondered the possibility that the title of the third and possibly final tape release of Aeon Flux contains a message from chung/some aeon bigwig?

Operative Terminus? The termination of the operation which involves aeon flux :(

Or maybe they chose it because it sounds nice

-- Divinity (divinity@u.washington.edu), October 29, 1998


I agree...seems ironic with the second video titled "Operation Infinite"...

-- JW (protein38@hotmail.com), October 29, 1998.

Its mission infinite

-- Cliff Leslie (ComdrBlood@aol.com), October 29, 1998.

the second tape is titled mission infinite the third (last) tape is titled Operative Terminus

-- divinity (divinity@u.washington.edu), October 30, 1998.

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