Any restrictions on bcp in MS SQL 6.5? : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread

Any restrictions on the filed types and record length in bcp utility for SQL? Do you know how to set up the ODBC environment in SQL and NT to access a dbf (dBase) file.? Please advice. Thank you.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 1998


Re: Any restrictions on bcp in MS SQL 6.5?


You may use SQL data types with bcp (with the possible exception of memo, text, and image fields). Since you are are putting data in or taking data out of a SQL table, the bcp limit is the SQL limit, namely 1962 bytes per table row.

I presume you are inquiring about interfacing with a dbase file because you need to read a dbase file into SQL Server. The way to import data from another DBMS is to use ERwin 3.0 to reverse engineer the other database schema and forward engineer it a a SQL database. Then use the other DBMS'es tools to write out the data and bcp to get the data in to SQL Server

Good luck,


-- Anonymous, October 28, 1998

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