emulsion transfer and gel lifting

greenspun.com : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

HELP! I recently started producing (or trying to produce) emulsion transfers after a year break. I'm using type 669 film and having serious problems with the gel lifting with the emulsion. (So much so that I can't get it all off without tearing the emulsion.) I used to be able to do this without any gel lifting. Has anyone had problems with newer emulsions? I've used 3 different batches of 669 all with the same problem. Please help.... Thank you.

-- michelle walker (michellew@mci2000.com), October 24, 1998


You didn't say how long you are waiting between processing and soaking the print in water. Letting the positive dry from 8 to 24 hours is recommended before soaking and may eliminate the problem of gel.

Also, according to Kathleen Carr, "This seems to occur when one of the coatings on the film is thicker than usual and swells up (different film batches have different thicknesses of the gel chemistry)."

Hope this helps...Evie

-- Evie Ausley (eausley@ix.netcom.com), October 24, 1998.

It also helps if, even after waiting 24 hours, you use a hair dryer on the image to be sure it is really dry ( I always do this, even if its days later). I also experienced the problem when the film I used was stale. DId you check the date on the foil wrap? Gail

-- gail (gail.green@sba.gov), October 26, 1998.

This has nothing to do with thickness of coatings, but variations in chemistry of the positive sheet. I've seen it more lately, but the problem has been around since I came up with the process directions in '94.

If the emulsion is holding together, then all should be OK.

Reduce the hot water soak time to 3.5 minutes, if you see the lifting off by itself around the edges. Place the emulsion on the mylar jelly side up and stretch it out to remove the wrinkles. (this is done first in the cold water tray and then on a tabletop). Take the side of your little finger and squeegee the jelly off and into the trash. The remaining emulsion can be worked as normal at this point.

Please refer to the instructions I wrote for Polaroid, it's on their website. Good Luck! ..and have fun...

-- Mike Doukas (mdoukas@aol.com), April 06, 1999.

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