More on SSS : LUSENET : 3D Audio's Music Business Forum (SSS Temp) : One Thread

So the big question is, hey, whatever happened to SSS and Infinite Music? As usual, just when I give up hope, there's progress. I just received software for the music upload/download functions, and will be testing it out. As you may recall, I asked an open question on this site about who would be willing to beta test this, but that was a few months ago and apparently many of your email addresses have changed -- Infinite Music tried to send email but got no response. If you were originally slated to beta test, please drop me an email with your latest contact info and the software will be sent out to you pronto.

I need to keep this brief because I just got back from doing a live performance in Germany at the Battery Park electronic music festival and am swamped with email, magazine deadlines, and an upcoming performance here in Florida. I still don't know when/if the new SSS will hit the world, but keep your fingers crossed...Craig

-- Craig Anderton (, October 14, 1998


Thanks--please keep us posted, Craig.


-- Doug Robinson (, October 17, 1998.

I'd love to help beta test the new software. Email me if you need help and i'll send my address.


-- Chris Firehock (, October 23, 1998.

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