The World ends here? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This is the name of the latest article (Oct. 7) written by a man that knows far more about the world economics than most. He has expressed his opinions and they could help you make decisions. Tell me what you think ?

-- George (, October 08, 1998


It doesn't end here.

It ends over there. There's a "T"remendous difference between here and there. 8<)

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, October 08, 1998.

Methinks my decision to put the boat up for sale was a wise one, I'll miss it (sniff):'''(

-- Uncle Deedah (, October 08, 1998.

NOAH: "What's a cubit?"

-- Chuck a Night Driver (, October 09, 1998.

A keeper. Not light reading

-- yes (, October 09, 1998.

That should be "the FINANCIAL world ends here". Especially for hedge funds and multi-billionaires.

Sob sob.

It's all happened before (Indonesia today; 1929; 1920 Germany; many times before). Surprisingly the real world has always found a way to carry on. I'm not saying it stays pleasant, but "ends here" ... NOT!

-- Nigel Arnot (, October 09, 1998.

Funny, we always find a way to carry on. I really don't think Y2K will be the end of Western Civilization, just a bump in the road. I do think a lot of small businesses are going to have a very hard time next year unless they get the lead out. But Civilization does not depend on business, the definition includes using metals, education, and the existence of a literate class. Don't see any of that going away, no matter what happens.

-- Paul Davis (, October 09, 1998.

I can see our economic vehicle hitting that bump in the road--

Both front tires blow out, vehicle careens wildly out of control, plunges off a cliff, bounces and rolls numerous times until it explodes at the bottom.

The literate ones at the bottom of the cliff (who had subscriptions to Popular Mechanics) can use the pieces of metal.

-- Max Dixon (Ogden, Utah USA) (, October 11, 1998.



-- Will Huett (, October 11, 1998.

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