Asking price for an old Kodak Ektamatic paper : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have a Kodak Ektamatic roller-driven stabilization paper processor that I am putting up for sale. It uses the Kodak Ektamatic Polycontrast fiber-based paper. The machine gives you stabilized prints that can later be fixed for permanence. Also, the Ektamatic paper can be pan processed like normal paper if desired. I don't even know if Kodak still makes these machines even though the paper is still available.I was thinking of an asking price of $250 US. Is this in the ballpark? The thing works and is in decent shape. I even have brand-new processing chemical bottles that load into the top of the machine for it. Thanks!
-- Bill Riemenschneider (, October 08, 1998
I, too, have an Ektamatic processor. Want to buy it for $100. I didn't know they even made the paper anymore. Maybe I should use it and not sell it. No. It will GO with the first offer of $100.
-- H. David Huffman (, May 12, 1999.