Cheese in the Dark? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

The following is a quote from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Online (sorry......I downloaded the text, but forgot the URL. Maybe someone else has it.) The article dealt with the anticipated call out of the National Guard.

"And an attorney for a major electric utility said the company is encouraging its customers look into alternative energy sources, including home generators, in anticipation of power failures as a result of the problem...........

Mari Nahn, an attorney with Madison-based Alliant Corp.-Wisconsin Power & Light Co., said power failures are likely, as are failures of municipal water systems. "

The interesting thing about this is that an ATTORNEY for the power utility is advising people that they may be in the dark

Wow!!!!!!!! Should raise the awareness in that part of the country.

Oh yes, Alliant also covers such nice warm states as Minnesota and Iowa.



-- rocky knolls (, October 08, 1998


Actually, it's not surprising that an attorney is encouraging generators & other backup power sources. If the power company does shut down, they can say "well, we made a good faith effort to warn you; we're not liable if you didn't take our advice."

-- Larry Kollar (, October 08, 1998.

Yes, it is a very interesting article! Here's the url:

-- LM (, October 08, 1998.

Speaking of cheese, if a person cuts the trees in the dark, does anybody notice?

Does a rose by any other name in the dark smell as sweet?

-- who_goes_there (anon@anon.aonononon), October 08, 1998.

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