Greed may save us! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Greed is arguably the "fatal flaw" in mankind, but could it also be our salvation?The real Y2K "Showstopper" is electricity and our electric power industry is currently engaged in a deregulation effort that parallels the conversion to the Euro across the water.
Rick Cowles pointed out about a year ago that deregulation may drive the electric utilities to fix Y2K as well as to distort the truth (in this article) .
The NERC report to DOE said: "The reality is that industry restructuring is moving rapidly and cannot be temporarily halted to address Y2K."
I have no doubt that they will fix it, if they can, which leaves us with the question: Can they do it, even with such a powerful motivation as greed?
-- "C" Student (, October 02, 1998
-- Joe (, October 02, 1998.
Welllll, if they're out of business, they'll have plenty of time to fix it though.Plenty of incentive to fix it, too.
Not a lot money to fix it though.
Not much time to fix it in though.
Not a lot of power to fix it with though.
Based on these pro's and con's, I'd say the con's win. Hope the prison cells stick shut.
-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, October 02, 1998.
Unfortunately for this situation, greed is often overcome by a more fundamental human attribute, to whit:The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison
Greed's only a driving force. Stupidity too often is the one behind the wheel. Just my $.02.
-- Mac (, October 02, 1998.
Mac! Quoting first Murphy in "Murphy's Romance", and now my man, Harlan Ellison? Where have you been all my life? I just finished reading Harlan's book "Slippage". Three words...Excellent, excellent, excellent!!!
-- Donna Barthuley (, October 02, 1998.