Greed may save us! : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Greed is arguably the "fatal flaw" in mankind, but could it also be our salvation?

The real Y2K "Showstopper" is electricity and our electric power industry is currently engaged in a deregulation effort that parallels the conversion to the Euro across the water.

Rick Cowles pointed out about a year ago that deregulation may drive the electric utilities to fix Y2K as well as to distort the truth (in this article) .

The NERC report to DOE said: "The reality is that industry restructuring is moving rapidly and cannot be temporarily halted to address Y2K."

I have no doubt that they will fix it, if they can, which leaves us with the question: Can they do it, even with such a powerful motivation as greed?

-- "C" Student (, October 02, 1998



-- Joe (, October 02, 1998.

Welllll, if they're out of business, they'll have plenty of time to fix it though.

Plenty of incentive to fix it, too.

Not a lot money to fix it though.

Not much time to fix it in though.

Not a lot of power to fix it with though.

Based on these pro's and con's, I'd say the con's win. Hope the prison cells stick shut.

-- Robert A. Cook, P.E. (Kennesaw, GA) (, October 02, 1998.

Unfortunately for this situation, greed is often overcome by a more fundamental human attribute, to whit:

The two most abundant things in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. -- Harlan Ellison

Greed's only a driving force. Stupidity too often is the one behind the wheel. Just my $.02.

-- Mac (, October 02, 1998.

Mac! Quoting first Murphy in "Murphy's Romance", and now my man, Harlan Ellison? Where have you been all my life? I just finished reading Harlan's book "Slippage". Three words...Excellent, excellent, excellent!!!

-- Donna Barthuley (, October 02, 1998.

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