Australian gas crisis... early effects? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I normally try to steer clear of paranoid conspiracy theories, as they give me gas. But when there was a rash of military plane crashes last year, I wondered if it had anything to do with Y2K. I had similar thoughts about the pager outage caused by the faulty satellite in May. I now have the same thoughts about the gas crisis in Australia.

Now, I recognize that there may be other explanations for these events. I am not trying to stoke any fires (no pun intended), but you have to winder about this latest event. We are certainly past the time threshold for potential SCADA problems, I would think.


-- Scott Johnson (, September 29, 1998


??? -- Except for the plane crashes, I think these things are great examples of "Y2K like" problems that will become very commonplace in about 15 months, but I can't believe that these are in any way true Y2K problems that have come "early".

-- Joe (, September 30, 1998.

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