How are scores confirmed? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I was curious to know how scores are confirmed. Does Zwaxy view them personally or can anyone watch an input file, verify its score, and then mail their findings?


-- Thunky (, September 27, 1998


Several of us watch and then confirm the scores.


There are several of us that watch the scores and confirm they reach the claimed totals. There are far too many scores for Zwaxy to manage by himself anymore - in fact now I'm back into games mode I'm starting to confirm them again. Its been a while since we had them all confirmed.

Cheers, BeeJay.

-- BeeJay (, October 01, 1998.

Too many scores to manage...

As you say "There are far too many scores for Zwaxy to manage by himself anymore...", it almost seems as if there are too many scores for the rest of us to manage as well.

At last count, there were over 1,050 unconfirmed scores. I've been confirming as many as possible lately, but can't seem to keep up with the uploads.


-- Angry (, October 12, 1998.

those counts again

I make the totals as follows:
By 'not listed' I mean that the recording has been bettered by the player who made it, so they've knocked their own score out of sight.
In the 'still listed' counts I'm including scores in 4th, 5th, etc. places.

-- Zwaxy (, October 12, 1998.

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