machine processors for : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I am an experienced fibre and RC printer looking for a relatively compact counter-top processing machine for RC B&W. Print quality is a high priority- eveness, consistency, full development of blacks, etc. Speed is also important, since my reason for buying a machine is to speed up production, as well as eliminate trays. I don't have enough space for the Ilford 2150 (it is 30" by 35" and requires 41" x 42"; I only have 35" x 38" on a counter and my sink is only 35" I.D. from the wall to the user.I'd love to hear from experienced machine owners/users on these issues.
-- Joel Pickford (, September 26, 1998
Joel: the only processor that will provide the quality of prints you require is the Ilford 2150. My sink is too narrow (and it should remain dry) so I bought a solid core door and had it cut in half. I put the half door across the sink and the processor is turned sideways so it will fit. These processors are extremely reliable and the solutions are inexpensive. Good luck.
-- Michael D Fraser (, December 24, 1998.