Nelson Gold Toner questions : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Three questions regarding Nelson Gold Toner: 1. Can anyone explain the chemical reactions involved in Nelson Gold toning? 2. I notice that Heico Perma Wash seems to produce staining on prints toned in Nelson. Has anyone else had this problem? 3. Despite re-fixing, treatment in Kodak Hypo Clearing Agent, and a one-hour warm water wash in an archival washer, my finished prints have a disturbing sulfur smell. Comments?

-- Peter Hughes (, September 20, 1998


I use Nelson Gold toner with Forte papers and after re-fixing I treat the prints in Kodak Hypo and then in Perma Wash. I didn't notice any smell of the prints but whole darkroom is kind of stinky from the toner. I never experienced any stains on my prints. I don't know about chemical reaction. Libor Jupa

-- Libor Jupa (, March 15, 1999.

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