Titanic Movie

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

An interesting movie was on this PM on OnTV - Danielle Steele's - No Greater Love. It was a 1996 movie based on a Titanic survivor who lost her fiance and learns to love again after rescue. Some scenes at the beginning showed the iceberg and the sinking. Boat scenes were somewhat lame but for any Titanic fan, any scene is ok.

-- Brian D (bdamboise@sprint.ca), September 11, 1998


I read this book and it's fantastic. I was bawling on the parts when they're on Titanic and I wish they'd show the movie over here, but they haven't yet.

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), September 13, 1998.

Have any of you lot seen - Atlantic - 1929 Titanic - 1943 Titanic - 1953 A Night To Remember - 1958 S.O.S. Titanic - 1979 Raise the Titanic -1980 Titanic - 1996 Titanic - 1997 ???????????????? I own them all and they are great but anyone else seen them?

-- Sam (funky_dude2589@hotmail.co.uk), February 06, 2005.

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