nuclear plant shutdown in99? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

This is from "Sweden's other major nuclear power owner, Sydkraft AB, says it stepped up its millennium bug efforts after discovering computer problems could arise earlier than expected. The three-unit Oskarshamn plant, operated by Sydkraft unit OKG AB, uncovered an error which would have disturbed regulation of the reactor's feed water, likely to result in an automatic shutdown when the computer systems switched to 1999.

"We turned the clock forward in our computer system and found the reactor broke down as soon as it was confronted with the figure 1999,'' plant spokesman Anders Oesterberg said." Anyone with more info on this with respect to usa?

-- tj (, August 30, 1998


Does anyone know if this Swedish plant is a US design or uses US process control systems?

-- Ronald Herring (, September 04, 1998.

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