Off subject a little {MitIM} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Saw "Man in the Iron Mask" Friday night. It started out bad, but unlike other bad movies...eventually got better and I was glad I watched it. The only glaringly obvious flaws were that it took place if France, and the only characters with a French accent were Girard Depardieu (oh God, the spelling!) and the woman who played the Queen Mother. You have Leo's L.A. accent, John Malkovich's prissy accent, and Gabriel Byrne and Jeremy Irons' beautiful English. It was hard to get over. However, everyone acted well, especially Leo. I don't care who disagrees with me...with the exception that he needs to take some dialect courses, the kid's a genious.

Has anyone else seen it, and if so, what did YOU all think?

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 16, 1998


Response to Off subject a little

Hello Gilded:

No, I haven't seen it but I would think it would have been a challenging role for this young actor, especially with the success of "Titanic". Playing two roles can't be an easy thing but probably was just what he needed. I would say he was in danger of being type-cast and it was probably a good career move to do something else right away and put "Titanic" behind him. It will be interesting to see how his career pans out.

Regards, Peter

-- Peter Nivling (, August 17, 1998.

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Gilded: LdC is a moderately good actor, but you touched on his fatal weakness. Also, even though he's 23 or 24, I'm afraid "Titanic" may have fully "Culkinized" him. It's all downhill from here.

-- Dan Dalton (, August 18, 1998.

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Well...BIG SURPRISE...I disagree with you, Dan. First, I don't think he's moderately good, I think he is excellent. Second, I don't think he's been "Culkinized" if only for the fact that he chooses his roles wisely. Maybe all of his movies from here won't be box office successes, but I would prefer that myself. Then he can get down to the business of really acting, which I believe to be his forte more than the "sex symbol/teen idol" thing. He's never wanted to be a star anyway, from what I hear. And anyone who works with him has mentioned how serious he is about his job. I anxiously await his next film, and hope the critics review it without "Titanic" in their eyes.

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 19, 1998.

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-- Julia Koritsas (, August 20, 1998.

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Don't make the mistake of getting on my bad side, Julia. It's a very ugly place to be. I am here to converse with people, not sit idly by and let everyone else do all the work. If you don't like it, don't read my questions.

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 20, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little

Okay, so half a day later I reread my last post and it was rather mean. Sorry, Julia.

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 21, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little

Haha Gilded. It usually only takes me a few minutes to regret a post. You're too slow! Julia seems to be new to the internet, possibly a youngster. And maybe she speaks English as a second laguage. But she should know what a "forum" is.

-- Dan Dalton (, August 21, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little

I must be the most heartless of bitches, Dan. You should congratulate me though. I was only this past year that I learned to apologize for ANYTHING!

For anyone reading along, it's called SARCASM. ;)

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 21, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little

Gilded: I picture you as having a rather large wardrobe of leather. Correct me if I'm wrong. Please, please, please. (Hey, what's that? Do you ride horses?) I'm regretting THIS post even now...

-- Dan Dalton (, August 21, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little

Uh oh. Stitches aren't going to do everything needed. We've got internal damage. A complete personality change. Sending out an SOS...

-- BobG (bob@bob.bob), August 21, 1998.

Response to Off subject a little regards to what I wear and what I ride, I believe you'll be better served asking BobG.

Ooooh...I'm sooooo wicked! It couldn't be helped. ;)

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, August 22, 1998.

unlike most people I saw tminim BEFORE Titanic and I think ld was a lot better in it. I'm also a Dumas freak, so that's natural (dumas was the writer of the book!)

-- liz may (, October 25, 1998.

Look at me answering my own question again...I am so sad.

Anyway...I agree that Leo was better in MITIM than Titanic, if only because it was a more 3 dimensional role. But that lack of French accent...oh the pain...I just can't get over it...

-- Gilded Age Junkie (, October 26, 1998.

I am glad Dan is here if only to reek havock and cause the start of many many MANY funny arguments. *sigh* for me one of the best ways to measure an actor's skill is to see them in a movie where they play two or more characters that are totally opposite. I think Leo did a good job of making each of the characters in MIIM believeable. As for Him being type cast...almost everyone in hoolywood is. Could you see Arnold S. in a romantic comedy, or playing Jack Dawson in Titanic? How about Julia Roberts as Hamlets mother? Sandra Bullock in an action flick? Or Joe Pescie-sp? as a single dad??? Do ANY of these seem right to you? So does it really matter if he's somewhat type cast with the rest of them?

-- Miranda Swearingen (, October 31, 1998.

shoulda been girl in the Iron chastity belt, that would have given GG something to complain about !!

-- Phil (, June 16, 2004.

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