What Happened to Darkroom On-Line?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Does anybody know what has happened to Darkroom On Line? It was one of the best darkroom resources on the web, but when I went to the homepage http://www.sound.net/~lanoue/index.html yesterday it seemed to be gone. Tried again today...same deal.

I seem to recall that the fellow who runs/ran it is an Ilford distributor in the midwest, but don't have his name or email address. If anybody has his contact info I would appreciate your forwarding it to me.


-- Mason Resnick (bwworld@mindspring.com), August 13, 1998


He's not listed on the general index at that site. The other people have e-mail addresses of x@sound.net, so you might try e-mailing to lanoue@sound.net.

-- Alan Gibson (gibson.al@mail.dec.com), August 14, 1998.

I've been trying to locate him / his site for ages now, anyone have any other ideas?

Makes you wonder what could happen to a person...

Andy Hughes, http://www.open.org/hughesa/w3-01.htm - dedicated to building darkrooms

-- Andy Hughes (hughesa@open.org), November 10, 1998.

I have an ancient note on a sticky yellow pad that I seem to recall is the address for someone once associated with Darkroom Online: ddean@ic.net. Hope it's still valid.

-- Ed Buffaloe (edbuffaloe@earthlink.net), January 20, 1999.

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