Dateline NBC 08/07/98 : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Hello All:

Dateline NBC tonight (10:00 P.M. eastern time) is going to have a piece on the "T". As you know, NBC and Discovery Channel are following the RMST expedition. NBC Nightly News did a short piece tonight on the expedition and said there would be much more tonight on Dateline.

Regards, Peter

-- Peter Nivling (, August 07, 1998


I checked the NBC website, and Dateline's webpage had a link to the (American) Discovery Channel, with a Live from Titanic daily report.

The Canadian Discovery Channel has a webpage about the live broadcast here.

Activity here will pick-up over the next few weeks.

-- Thomas M. Terashima (, August 07, 1998.

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