PGE story in : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Saw this in the San Jose mercury news this sunday. This isn't very encouraging, but does confirm what pge is doing, I also found this neat little y2k screensaver. here is a url for mercury news power grid article here is a url for a great y2k screen saver free (1.7 megs)
-- Mark R Mielke (, August 04, 1998
I have a relative that works for PG&E in management. Doesn't look too promising. Too far behind, don't know which or what is embedded, and too many computers to be tested just to see which and how many computers are suspectible to glitches! They are spending millions on correcting the billing aspect of it, and the list goes on. Just don't count on having electricity 24-hours a day.
-- Preppie (, August 08, 1998.