error 21770 : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread

A few weeks ago, I was restoring some devices that had been dropped from one of our servers. I used DISK REINIT and then DISK REFIT. After I did this procedure following the instructions in the SQL Books Online, I get the following error when I select the device from SEM and click on edit: Error 21770 The name '' was not found in the Database collection. Is there a way to fix this? The only way I have been able to expand a database on this device was to use ALTER DATABASE for the Query tool. Any help would be appreciated.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 1998


Re: error 21770


My guess is that the REINIT and REFIT have your SQL Server somewhat confused as to its identity and that this is causing the problem discussed in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article below.

Hope this helps.


PRB: Pull Replication Setup May Encounter SQL-DMO Error 21770

Last reviewed: April 9, 1997 Article ID: Q155080

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft SQL Server, version 6.5


If both publication and subscription servers are registered as using trusted connection, the following two SQL-DMO Error 21770 messages appear during the pull subscription scenario setup:

The name '' was not found in the logins collections.

The name '' was not found in the Database collection.


Use standard security to register both servers.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 1998


I saw this article in Microsoft's Knowledge Base. However, this server is not being used for replication either in a push or pull capacity.

Any other ideas?

-- Anonymous, August 04, 1998

Re: error 21770


Sorry, I don't have any more ideas.


-- Anonymous, August 04, 1998

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