Any info on return of Oriental Seagull : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

A New Products column I read a while back, in one of the photography/darkroom magazines, announced that due to demand the discontinued Oriental Seagull B&W printing papers were being brought back to market.

I've checked several sources, Calumet and others. I have been advised that, while they've also heard the news/rumours, they do not have any specific info.

Anyone out there have any info? Thanks, Sergio.

-- Sergio Ortega (, August 01, 1998


Just a random thought, more like a rant maybe. (my apologies for using your question Sergio) I used Seagull and loved it. But, no more. Personally I have had it with the mega mergers and bottom line economics we are having to live through. If a company wishes to make more money by dropping a perfectly good product, and I have to adapt and change to fill the void left by the disapperance of that product, then they won't see me back.

I have a replacement for Seagull that looks as good, is actually less expensive, and that I can get easier. If it comes back, I won't buy it; they didn't want our business in the first place, and they aren't going to have mine now.

I know a lot of people would love to see it come back, and I hope for thier sake that it does. As for me, I moved on.

-- Marv Thompson (, August 01, 1998.

return of Oriental Seagul

Yes it's back. It is being relaunched at Photokina in September. You are being a bit hard in your comments about this paper. It never went away, it is not a case of 'them' not wanting you custom, the change in value of the Yen made it too expensive and uncompetetive to export. Tim Rudman

-- Tim Rudman (, August 28, 1998.

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