Wiring with IDC connectors

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Wiring for DCC : One Thread

has anyone had any experience usinf scotchlok connectors between the bus and feeder as mentioned by Tony Koester in the Aug 98 M.R. If they work it wouldbe nice not to be doing all that soldering under the layout

-- scott hurley (railfan22@aol.com), July 19, 1998


Response to wiring

Scott--they work great! We've been using them on our club layout and several home layouts in the area. The big advantage is no soldering--you can hook up all the drops to the main buss in an afternoon (once the buss and drops have been installed of course). They come in various sizes and because they are designed to join wires of different gage they are perfect for this purpose. Don't buy them in little bags, instead get a box full at the local electrical supply store.

-- Larry Puckett (lpuckett@geocities.com), July 20, 1998.

Response to wiring


I am writing a piece for my web page because I figured people would ask. I intend to include Mouser part numbers. Look for it in about a week.


-- Allan Gartner (wire4dcc@aol.com), July 21, 1998.

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