Plastic? Contamination? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I need to make some emergency changes in a darkroom, replacingr steel trays for processing paper for, plastic trays I've made inquiries on the plastic, and I cant get information on it My worry is, do the chemicals erode, is there any corrison? Will the chemicals I use get contaminated by the PLASTIC...? Quick answers appreciated, I use the darkroom tomorrow. Good luck out there!
-- Albert H. (, July 15, 1998
I don't think you will have any problems with plastic trays. Something I do is use the same tray for the same chemical each time it is used. I have used a permanent ink marker on the bottom to mark developer, stop bath, fixer etc. It may not be necessary but I feel better about it. A thorough cleaning after each use would just be common sense.
-- Jeff White (, July 16, 1998.